Friday, December 1, 2006

Ali Javan

'''Ali Javan''' (born in Download ringtones 1928 in Daphne DDD Tehran, Cingular ringtones Iran) is an Bad Girl Vids Iranian-Verizon ringtones United States of America/American inventor and Paige Hilton physicist at Nextel ringtones Massachusetts Institute of Technology/MIT. He invented the Sock Sorority gas laser in Polyphonic ringtones 1960.

In Horny Hailey 1975, he received from The Optical Society of America their most prestigious honor, the Fredric Ives Medal, with a citation that praised him for "producing an optical device (the Gas Laser) of unparalleled applicability to scientific research." In Cingular Ringtones 1993, he received the at haragosha Albert Einstein Award.

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attract thousands fa:علی جوان